Long Term Recovery Groups-placeholder

A long term recovery group (LTRG) is a cooperative body that is made up of representatives from faith-based, non-profit, government, business and other organizations working within a community to assist individuals and families as they recover from disaster.

LTRGs are as varied in their structure as are the communities in which they work. The personality and operation of each group is unique and reflects local needs, available resources, cultural diversity, leadership style, and community support. No matter how a group is structured or what it calls itself the goal is the same: to unite recovery resources with community needs in order to ensure that even the most vulnerable in the community recover from disaster.

Active LTRGs in Vermont:

Barre UP, link: https://barreup.org/

coverage area: Barre

Black River Valley LTRG

Community Resilience Waterbury (CReW), Contact: Liz Schlegel – liz.schlegel@gmail.com, link: https://www.thecrewvt.org/,

coverage area: Waterbury, Bolton, Duxbury, Middlesex and Moretown

Helping Our People in Emergency (HOPE) Coalition, Contact: Daniel Molind – dan@enough-ministries.org, link: https://hope-coalition.org/

coverage: Worcester, Calais, Cabot, Marshfield, Plainfield, Barre Town, Berlin, East Montpelier,
Northfield, Roxbury, Warren, Fayston, Brookfield, Williamstown, Washington, Orange,
Topsham and Waitsfield

Lamoille Area Recovery Network (LeARN), Contact: Sarah Henshaw – sarah@leavesofchangevt.com, link: https://uwlamoille.org/learn

coverage: Lamoille County and Woodbury

Montpelier Disaster Recovery Network, link: https://www.montpelierdisasterrecovery.org/

coverage: Montpelier

Mountain Town LTRG

coverage: Weston, Andover, Chester, Peru, Landgrove, Londonderry, Windham, Winhall and Jamaica:

Northeast Kingdom Tri-County KURVVE, Contact: Meghan Wayland – meghan@nekorganizing.org, link: https://nekprosper.org/get-involved/flood-recovery-resources/

coverage: Northeast Kingdom (Essex County, Caledonia County and Orleans County)

Rutland LTRG

coverage: Rutland County (except Pittsfield and Mount Holly Rutland Regional Disaster Cooperative

Upper Valley Strong, link: https://uvstrong.org/

coverage: Corinth, Bradford, Chelsea, Vershire, West Fairlee, Fairlee, Randolph, Tunbridge, Strafford,
Thetford, Rochester, Bethel, Royalton, Sharon, Norwich, Pittsfield, Stockbridge, Barnard,
Pomfret, Hartford, Bridgewater, Woodstock, Hartland, Reading, West Windsor and Windsor